OffPAT is a membership network that provides a value for money shared services approach to programme and project best practice. They make it possible for its members to access, understand and better use the guidance, regulations and project management tools needed to assist in the delivery of economic development and regeneration.
OffPAT are a fully mobile workforce, with a small central office in London where staff can “drop in” when not working from the offices of one of its member organisations. The team at OffPAT need reliable IT that works whether they’re commuting by train, working from home or in one of the members offices spread across the country. As a government linked organisation, strict security and backup needs must be met as well as ensuring good data retention policies to allow them to comply with various regulations such as FOI.
It’s essential that the OffPAT team could rely upon its IT services when “out in the field” because as a small team they’ve got demanding workloads. Any IT issues cause significant disruption and make it difficult for them to keep on track. It was integral to the needs of OffPAT that IT was used in a smart and effective way to let IT reduce the strain. Naturally VPW were a great fit because the needs of small organisations are second nature to the team so its no wonder OffPAT have used VPW since 2003!
VPW Systems provide a consistently good and reliable service whilst at the same time retaining the human touch. They have the ability to react and adapt to any situation and importantly are very receptive to ideas on how to go that extra mile for their customers
OffPAT have a fully managed IT Service from us and take services from practically all of the product & service portfolio, including:
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