16th April 2013
A fast-growing UK business which specialises in producing cooling foam for computers is set to float on the junior London stock exchange later in March, which is an indicator of the success they have enjoyed since being established in 2010.
Versarien, which was set-up by technology experts at the University of Liverpool, will be joining the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) shortly, through which it hopes to raise around £3 million in order to further expand their developing operation.
Chief executive Neill Ricketts said that he and his colleagues have been 'staggered' by the reception Versarien's heat transfer metallic foams have enjoyed since their launch, and that their AIM flotation should eventually result in 'the end of the whirring noise generated by computer fans' the world over.
It is hoped that the rise of technology such as this will eliminate instances of problems like overheating in personal and business computers in the not too distant future, allowing providers and recipients of IT support in Dorset and elsewhere to focus on wider, efficiency enhancing issues whilst enjoying increased reliability and performance.
At VPW, we hope this kind of technology will lead to computers and networking equipment that are quieter as they'll need less fans - one of the most common niggles customers have with modern systems is the background noise they produce "keeping cool" - and as systems get more powerful this continues to be an issue even though efficiency keeps on improving.
Give us a call on 01392 950 950 and see what we can do for you.
Image Credit: blakespot (flickr.com)