Knowledgebase & FAQs

Knowledgebase and FAQs

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Migrated Customers - Former Lymenet/Double Design
If you were previously using Double Design or Lymenet, you'll have received a letter telling you they've closed down. We've taken on many of the former customers and now provide Web Hosting services to you.

I haven't signed up, paid or otherwise had my site transferred, but want to, how?

It may not be possible to help in all cases now, as we will not have access to your site in most cases. Please contact our team and we will advise on the options for your particular case. Where we can assist you, additional charges may apply to cover our work since the discounted migration cost was a promotional offer and available for those who signed up in a timely manner.

Unfortunately as the old servers paid by the previous company have now been removed and turned off, you may have lost your web site.

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