Knowledgebase & FAQs

Knowledgebase and FAQs

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Pre-Paid and Committed Support Services
Information and Help to ensure you get the most from our Pre-Paid and Committed IT Support Services.

How is time charged when I need support?

When you have our Pre-Paid Service, we charge you for the work we do to assist you based on support incidents raised.

We charge for our time - in "per minute" increments. The minimum realistic time any job takes is around 5 minutes once we have logged it, investigated and resolved the issue. We don't have any minimum times - so if it takes us 10 minutes to fix an issue, this is what we charge you for.

Our time includes the time spent logging your request, assisting with any troubleshooting steps, providing followup information as well as any researching into the issues you have, or testing performed (either on your systems or ours) to replicate issues and create a fix.

Some types of service are free - for example if we declare a Major Service Outage, any time charged would be refunded.

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