Knowledgebase & FAQs

Knowledgebase and FAQs

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Web Site Hosting - Databases & SQL (Microsoft SQL)
Help using Microsoft SQL Server, understanding your Login Details and making changes to your database

What can my "SQLAdmin" Login do, or not do?

In general, your login can do almost any task that a DBO would typically undertake, such as:

- Create new objects within the database (tables, views, stored procedures etc)
- Delete objects from your database
- Change the ownership of database objects
- Manually initiate backups of your database when required (see below)
- Take your database offline
- Grant permissions to your database to any other existing username on the server (use with caution!)

(this list is not exhaustive)

You cannot:

- Make any server/global changes, such as creating additional databases.
- Create new users on the server (although our HelpDesk Team are happy to help with this where necessary)
- Restore backups of your database (our HelpDesk Team can help you with this where required)
- Bring your database online after it has previously been taken offline

If you encounter issues making a change you believe you should be able to make, contact our Support Team who can help you make the relevant changes where it is not likely to cause other issues with the Shared SQL Platform

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