IT for Mary "wants IT to do" more...

Getting better value from IT for Mary...

Mary has a successful and growing company, and naturally she has a fair amount of IT systems. The problem is that she doesn't get the most from them, and has been doing things the same way for a long time, after all it worked just fine when it was just her and a friend running the business. Mary is savvy though and knows that IT could do much more for her, make it easier to get things done and help her business grow even more.

Services that help Mary do More with her IT...

To give Mary an advantage, she needs dependable services that protect her against problems, that give her more "bang for her buck" in productivity from IT services and wants life to be straightforward. The business is busy and her expertise isn't in IT, so she wants someone else to take care of it for her.

Mary should take a look at:

Grown to be fully IT dependant and need it all?

If you're beyond Mary's business and you are a fully IT dependent setup where your business uses IT as a central and integral part of its operation (eg if your IT systems fail, your business stops operating), maybe you're more like Dependent Dan, who runs a busy company which relies on robust iT to keep everything running in top shape.

Find out more about Dependent Dan.

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>> Speak with Dependent Dan - his business totally depends on great IT to survive...
>> Meet Basic Bob - the small business owner with very simple IT needs


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