18th November 2013
Last month we published a blog talking about a new type of virus threat known as Cryptolocker, a particularly nasty type of virus that has been affecting small business customers of ours in the Devon & Somerset areas.
Today, we notice that the BBC has published an article about it, after "Action Fraud" - the UK's national fraud reporting centre has caught up what is essentially old news (when we published our article a month ago, it wasn't exactly cutting edge news then either).
If you haven't read about it, please take a few minutes to check out our Blog article here:
BBC have published an article here:
The Action Fraud item can be found here:
If you are infected with this virus, we strongly encourage you to contact us for advice and guidance - this malware does actively encrypt your content, and does have a genuine time limit before it will remove your ability to recover data.
Call our team on 01392 950 950 for help and assistance with removing this virus/malware.