The Refugee Support Group Devon (RSG) was formed in 2001 in response to people seeking asylum in Britain as a result of conflict in their own countries. It works to promote the well being for asylum seekers and helps them adapt to life within the UK and works to represent them, giving them a voice that would otherwise be lost.
RSG is a small local charity, reliant on donations and goodwill, with no Government funding. Like most charities they need IT Services for administration, as well as to help refugees access services for support. As is common with charities, the funding is limited and careful control of spending is required.
RSG came to VPW in 2009 looking for a range of IT Services as a result of obtaining office space allowing them to operate a drop in centre, and VPW were selected despite competition from other companies due to its integrated approach and competitive pricing which includes special discounts for local charities as part of its local commitment.
RSG continues to work with VPW and have recently relocated to a community centre where VPW continued to assist and provide its range of IT services.
It is great to work with a local company - VPW understand our needs as a small charity and have helped us design the right package of service to meet our needs and budget. We find them easy to contact, friendly to deal with and receive professional support very quickly.
RSG Devon use a range of VPW's IT Services for Small Business alongside Cloud E-Mail Services, including:
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