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E-Mail Services - Screening Services (Anti-Virus/Anti-Spam)
Making changes and adjusting your Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam Services
If you’re receiving email with subject lines beginning with any of :
then you currently have our anti-spam screening service configured on your email to detect spam. By default when our system detects spam messages it flags them as above, and then either stops them from being delivered to you, or delivers them to a dedicated spam-samples mailbox from where they can be reviewed when required.
If you’re receiving these however it means that someone in your organisation has asked us to enable the third option, which is tag and deliver. This means the messages are tagged as spam, but are then delivered to their final destination as usual. The recipient can then review the messages themselves, and optionally add rules in Outlook to filter the messages to another folder so they don’t stay in your Inbox.
If your organisation would like to change the behaviour of these messages that can be arranged, though we may direct you to first discuss your requirements with the person who originally requested the current setup, as it will impact all of your users.
Full details of how the Cloud Anti-Spam screening works, as well as the options available for how we handle detected spam, are available in our guide “CG1006 – Getting Started – with Cloud Screening AV and AS”, which is available on request if you don’t already have a copy. The guide also includes step-by-step instructions for adding rules in Outlook to move the tagged spam to another folder, or alternatively for those with a pre-paid support plan we can help setup the rules for you.