Knowledgebase & FAQs

Knowledgebase and FAQs

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Connectivity - Broadband Services
Troubleshooting Broadband Issues, help with connection issues or making changes to your Broadband Service

I have fibre broadband, what speed will I get?

Our Fibre Broadband Services are provided on the following options:

- Standard (Small Business) - up to 40 meg download, up to 2 meg upload. This can vary based on line length (typically you'll get 30-34 meg and 1.5 meg respectively in the real world).

If you take the Premium Option, you'll have up to 80 meg / 10 meg - again real world speeds are more like 70 meg and 8 meg.

- Premier (Small Business) - up to 100 meg download, up to 30 meg upload. You'll typically receive 90 meg and 20 meg respectively.

We're currently evaluating and trialling faster services with some customers, which can offer speeds of up to 330 meg download and 100 meg upload, but these are only offered on a limited trial.

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