Knowledgebase & FAQs

Knowledgebase and FAQs

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Web Site Hosting - Linux Hosting
Logging into cPanel, using WordPress and making changes to Linux Hosting Packages

How much e-mail can I store on my Linux Package?

Your Storage Allowance includes ALL types of storage.

If you're on our Linux Essentials Extra for example, which allows 500MB of storage, you can store any combination of e-mail, web files, logs, images etc up to a total maximum of 500MB. If you've got multiple e-mail accounts, the total allowance is shared - and the first to need the storage gets it. You can set individual mailbox limits from within your control panel.

If you are using the IMAP service to "store" your e-mail, you'll likely use your quota more rapidly. We don't recommend using this IMAP service for high volume mail storage. Consider our Agility Mail Service which can allow up to 10GB (10,000MB approx) of e-mail alone per user!

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