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Backup Services - Remote Backup for Small Business
Common queries answered for our Small Business backup services that work on your Desktop, Laptop or Server system, including how to make changes and check the service is working.

My backup job has failed or parially completed, why?

Backup Jobs can FAIL for a number of reasons. In most cases the reason is a temporary issue which will clear on the next scheduled backup run. In the first instance it is therefore likely to be an isolated failure so isn't anything to worry about.

If you persistently receive FAILED or PARTIAL backup notifications it is worth contacting our support team to get further advice and guidance, as well as reviewing the below:

If you see a FAILED or PARTIAL job, consider these possibilities:

A) You may have cancelled a job manually while it was running

B) There may be files that are locked or in use - this prevents backup as some types of file cannot be copied when they're being used.

C) You may have set permissions that deny our system access to copy the files it needs for backup. This is more likely on a server system.

D) If you're using advanced features like Mapped Drive support, the drive may be unavailable (unplugged, a permissions error etc)

E) If you're using Server Edition and backing up Exchange, SharePoint or SQL, there may be an issue with access to the database.

F) If you're using Server Edition and backing up SharePoint, one or more of the SharePoint databases may be offline, in an inconsistent state or another backup job (from a third party system) may be interfering with ours. You should only have one system taking backups.

F) If you're using Server Edition and backing up SQL Server, one or more of the databases may be offline, in an inconsistent state or another backup job (from a third party system) may be interfering with ours. You should only have one system taking backups. This includes the built in Backup Tools if you're using "Incremental" or "Bit Backup" jobs with our service.

If you've not seen this issue before, we recommend you FIRST try either:

a) Let a job retry normally on its next schedule and if the issue persists review the job. Contact our Support Team if you need help.


b) Manually run the relevant job again so you can watch for the cause of the failure or ensure the data backs up OK (especially if it is a temporary issue).

If you are seeing it persistently, please ask our Support Team for guidance.

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