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Backup Services - Remote Backup for Small Business
Common queries answered for our Small Business backup services that work on your Desktop, Laptop or Server system, including how to make changes and check the service is working.

My backup job says that it was a success, but no files were backed up, what does this mean?

There can be a few reasons for this, and most of the time there is no problem - You could simply have no changed files - so there was nothing to backup - it's a success because the job ran, looked for files and then ended because there was nothing to do.

However, in a few cases, something might be wrong - particularly if you keep getting backups that say success, with no changed (backed up) files, when you know there are some - most commonly this would be where the location your files are stored has changed, but the software is not aware of this.

We recommend that if you are sure there should be new/changed files, but the system repeatedly suggests that the job completed with no new files backed up that you get in touch with our support team so we can help you check all is well.

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